Nursing Services

Holistic HomeCare Associates offers private duty nursing services to those clients and their families that require close monitoring and nursing care. Hiring your own Registered Nurse (RN) often brings peace of mind for families when they are recovering after an acute surgery or a complex illness.

Hospital Stays

During a hospital stay, the nurse to patient staffing ratios is often higher than desirable, especially during night shifts. This is often the motivator to hire a private nurse who will be always available for a client’s needs. And family members feel more secure knowing that their own private nurse is watching over their hospitalized loved ones.

Same-Day Surgery

Many clients are discharged home from same-day ambulatory surgery ill-prepared to deal with the post-operative course which includes trying to manage pain, swelling, and immobility. Private nurses can monitor your post-operative course, ensure that you are comfortable and know when to triage for further medical intervention. With the proper post-operative nursing care, stress levels are reduced and healing and recovery are enhanced.

Hi-Technology Home Care

Many families are overwhelmed when a loved one is transitioning home with high-technology treatments such as ventilator care, oxygen treatments, intravenous therapy, or peg tube feedings. Skilled nursing care brings immediate peace of mind that complex care needs are being attended to. It also gives the client and family time to adjust to the new treatments and get one-on-one support with education to make them more successful with longer-term complex care needs.

Palliative Nursing Care

Palliative care and home hospice care programs provide very little direct hands-on care support. Private palliative nursing care nursing services ensure that your terminally ill loved one is cared for with the highest degree of compassion. Our nurses can work in collaboration with a client’s own primary care doctor or hospice team to optimize comfort and ensure that end of life is a time for connection and meaning.

Nurse Care Management

Holistic HomeCare Associates is a proud corporate partner of the Aging Life Care Association – the leading organization for sourcing expert care management professionals. Holistic Home Care Associates Co-Founder Anne Sansevero serves on the national board of the organization and has her own established and reputable care management practice, HealthSense, LLC. Aging life care professionals provide comprehensive care assessments, strategic planning, and ongoing care oversight.

Nursing House Calls

Nursing house calls are short hour nursing visits for those seeking or needing targeted nursing visits to support any short term care needs. Examples may include: fertility injections, vaccinations, accompanying doctors visits.